Paper Submission
Submitted manuscripts for The Blazing Star should include adhere to the following style points:
1. Document Format: Microsoft Word
2. Font: Victoria Serif
3. Regular Text: 11 pt., Justified
4. Headings: 14 pt., All Caps, Bold, Centered
5. Subheadings: 12 pt., All Caps, Bold, Centered, Underlined.
6. Page #: Bottom Middle (9 pt.)
7. Paragraph Indent: .25 (Tab Setting). All paragraphs start with indentation.
8. Quoted Text: Quotes longer than 4 lines separated out into block quote formatting (indented paragraph) without quotation marks. 6 pt. spacing before and after blockquote.
9. Citations: Footnotes, 9 pt. Font, Justified
10. Review to ensure that dashes (—) are used appropriately rather than hyphens (-)
11. Use Oxford commas
12. Periods and commas inside quotation marks
13. Semi-colons and colons outside of quotation marks
Articles should be the original work of the author and include references as Footnotes. All submissions must include the Author’s Full Name, Masonic Affiliation, Degree, Email, and Mailing Address.
Subject matter content should conform to the mission and philosophy of the International Society of Masonic Research.
Questions related to the Submission Guidelines should be directed to the Editor.